

Evictions: Forced Voids - Lecture

The Graduate Program in Architecture at PUC-Rio invites for the event "Evictions = Forced Voids" on May 28th, at 7:00PM, in the Padre Anchieta auditorium, Gávea Campus (Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225, Gávea).

Exhibition of the movie "Remoção" with the Director Luiz Antonio Pilar

Launch of the book "SMH2016: Remoções no Rio de Janeiro Olímpico" with the author Lucas Faulhaber

Presentation of the research program "Observatório de Projetos" with Prof. Ana Luiza Nobre

Debate moderated by Prof. Antonio Sena

Date: 05.28.15
Time: 19:00
Place: Auditório Padre Anchieta

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